Protecting Your TressesProtecting Your Tresses

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Protecting Your Tresses

I’ve always relished an opportunity to get a new hairstyle. In fact, my hairstylist never knows what I’m going to ask for next. I always keep her in suspense. For the past few years, I’ve switched back and forth between two distinctly different styles. While I enjoy experimenting with my hair, the continuous processing I put it through is detrimental to my tresses. Therefore, I have to be careful to protect my hair. Every day, I apply a deep conditioner to my hair. I also dry my hair on a warm setting instead of a hot one. On this blog, you will learn how to maintain your hairstyle while protecting your tresses from damage.


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Getting a Lot of Wrinkles? Get a Nonsurgical Facelift

If you are getting a lot of wrinkles, you have many options to treat them. One option is getting a nonsurgical facelift – which is done by a plastic surgeon. This is popular as you do not have to have surgery. Below is information on how this works so you can decide if this would be right for you.

How a Nonsurgical Facelift Works

The plastic surgeon uses a variety of techniques to do a nonsurgical facelift. Exactly what they use will depend on your personal situation. This type of facelift can help reduce wrinkles but also help with thinning lips, lax skin, sunken cheeks, scars from acne, and more. 

One technique the plastic surgeon may use is derma fillers. These fillers are made of a smooth gel and are injected into different areas of your skin. The gel plumps up the skin, so wrinkles disappear. It can also add volume to your face, if needed, in different areas. If you have very deep wrinkles, they may not go away completely but will become much less noticeable. 

Another technique that can be used is Botox injections. These injections can reduce wrinkles or if you have fine lines they can completely disappear. These injections are generally used for forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow's feet, and wrinkles around the mouth area. When the Botox is injected, it relaxes the muscles below the wrinkles and then freezes them in place. 

Fat injections can also be used if you have liposuction on other areas of your body. The surgeon extracts the fat cells and injects them into your face. The fat cells are living so they integrate well with the existing fat cells in your face. This is more invasive but may last longer than other techniques. 

The surgeon may also use a chemical peel on your face. This peel removes the surface layer of your skin to reveal much more youthful skin. What they choose will depend on your situation. Dermabrasion may also be used which exfoliates your skin to remove damaged skin cells and dry tissue. This will reduce fine lines and your skin will be much smoother and look healthier. 

The plastic surgeon uses a variety of these techniques to complete the nonsurgical facelift. For example, they may use Botox and derma fillers, as well as dermabrasion. 

The plastic surgeon you choose can give you much more information about each of these techniques. For more information about getting a non surgical facelift, contact a company like Desert Bloom Skin Care.