Protecting Your TressesProtecting Your Tresses

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Protecting Your Tresses

I’ve always relished an opportunity to get a new hairstyle. In fact, my hairstylist never knows what I’m going to ask for next. I always keep her in suspense. For the past few years, I’ve switched back and forth between two distinctly different styles. While I enjoy experimenting with my hair, the continuous processing I put it through is detrimental to my tresses. Therefore, I have to be careful to protect my hair. Every day, I apply a deep conditioner to my hair. I also dry my hair on a warm setting instead of a hot one. On this blog, you will learn how to maintain your hairstyle while protecting your tresses from damage.


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Nails Looking Dull? 4 Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Manicure

If you're tired of seeing your nail polish chip and fade just days after a manicure, you may be sabotaging your own nail treatment. Don't throw in the towel and give up on manicures. Instead, take a few precautionary steps to help extend the life of your salon nail treatment. Here are four simple tricks that will help your nail polish last longer.

Start with Dirty Nails

If you're in the habit of washing your hands before you head to the nail salon, or you have your cuticles soaked prior to having your nails painted, you should stop. In fact, the best way to ensure that your nail polish lasts longer is to start with dirty nails. Water soaks into your nails and causes them to enlarge slightly. If you paint your nails while they're water-logged, the paint will separate once it dries.

Go with Non-Alcohol Hand Products

Once your nails are perfectly painted, you can help extend the time between manicures by avoiding alcohol-based hand products, including hand sanitizers. Choose mild detergents and hand lotions to preserve the look of your nail polish. It's also a good idea to wear gloves whenever you do the dishes.

Add Fresh Topcoat

If the brilliant shine of your professional topcoat doesn't last long enough, take matters into your own hands. As soon as you see the shine begin to fade, apply a fresh layer of topcoat to your nails. You can reapply the topcoat a couple times a week between manicures to keep the shine looking fresh. If just the tips of your nails are showing signs of wear and tear, simply file the edges down and apply fresh topcoat to the tips.

Massage with Olive Oil

If you enjoy the way your fingers and hands feel after a manicure, extend that feeling – and help your nails grow – by massaging your nail beds with olive oil. Apply a small amount of olive oil to your fingers and massage your nails. Rinse with warm water and blot dry with a soft towel. Repeat this application several times a week for the best results. If you'd prefer, you can also use coconut oil to achieve the same results.

If your freshly manicured nails are fading too fast, use the tips provided here to keep them looking beautiful, longer. For other tips on how to extend the life of your manicure, be sure to talk to your nail expert during your next visit to a place like Tangles.